The Muddy Path is a website to share our family’s experiences with Autism, homeschooling, healthy eating with kids and much more. We are the feature family for the documentary “Beyond the Spectrum: A Family’s Year Confronting Autism” by Steve Suderman. In the film we showed Oskar’s journey during his first year after his official Autism diagnosis. We had been down the Autism road with another child and we often reflect on the many differences and similarities between our children.

Beyond the Spectrum also features Temple Grandin and Jackie McMillian (both adults on the spectrum) as well as the many therapies we explored that first year. Highlights of the film are – Sensory Integration Therapy (sensory processing disorder), Diet (GFCF and grain free), Biomed (Biomedical therapies and working with a Naturopath), Play Therapy vs. doing traditional ABA or IBI (Applied Behaviour Analysis or Intensive Behaviour Intervention), homeschooling and many more.

Our intent with “The Muddy Path” is to continue where the Film leaves off. We invite the audience to follow the rest of our journey to further the conversation of what Autism is, means and needs for our family and others.

We used to live very conventionally, but due to health issues for myself (autoimmune disorder), gut issues and having 2 children diagnosed with Autism – life had to change. We have learned that in time that our life shifts can actually bring upon changes that we never could have planned for ourselves. One big change or shift we chose to make was buying a large property out in the country. This has taken our kids back to nature and home grown food. We also began homeschooling and that journey is one that we are so happy we took. Although it means a hectic house 24/7 the kids are thriving and exploring opportunities and passions that they never would have gotten had we left them in traditional school.

We hope that parents, caregivers and professionals will gain insight into what it’s really like to raise not one, but two, children on the spectrum as well as create a balance for the siblings of kids with autism. What it’s like to incorporate a healthy diet, or go to the extreme and implement a GAPS diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome). Maybe even explore what it takes to get your kids outside and thriving in Nature, growing food from seeds, or just eating it raw from the earth. We plan to share it all through my written blogs, sprinkled with some vlog posts and hopefully a lot more video content like you saw in the film.

We are big supporters of many Autism organizations and support networks like Autism Canada, Thrive with Autism and Gemiini to name just a few.

So hopefully you will continue the journey with us here and if you haven’t seen Beyond the Spectrum yet check out the details HERE.



“You must give up the life you planned
in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
– Joseph Campbell










Check out Information on the Upcoming Documentary.
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Check out Carly’s blog on autism, homeschooling and life.
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Help for Parents







Check out a list of resources for Parents.
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